Isaac Evans, a promising intellectual, and Brett Baker, a soccer star, have been friends since college. Together, they have teamed up to create the latest new energy drink to storm onto the market.
With revelations unfolding at a blistering pace, the two inventors must race against a government conspiracy and the military complex to prove their innocence, pull back the veil of truth and save everyone, including themselves, with whatever it is coursing through their veins. ​
Everything is looking bright for them with launch day quickly approaching. But things are about to take a turn for the worst, when nefarious forces use their invention to carry out an evil plan that brings chaos into their lives.
After the taste test group, members begin seeing graphic hallucinations, aggressive outbursts and uncontrollable rage.

True or False
Your life is not your own?
What if a ground breaking technology could control the entire populations through impulses and brain signals? What if this technology could be hidden in plain sight, avoiding resistance?
Citizens remain oblivious about their freedom and continue to accept their imprisonment.
Recommendation: Mass Population Control

Results Confirmed. Best form of delivery is digestion. Side effects may include hyper-emotional outbursts, graphic hallucinations, uncontrollable rage into warrior syndrome

Collateral damage expected. Use of extreme force may be necessary.

Stanford - Think Tank
Latest Psyop Biometrics: Normal
Electro-hypersensitivity: High
Cognition: Above Normal
The Scepter Experience
The Scepter Program is at the front of the curve and prepared to test the resolve of this theory. With growing concern over revolutionary actions against its own state or governing body, a fail safe approach is recommended as the best form to guarantee success of the program and its results.
Furthermore, it is our findings that CONTROL GROUP L7, lead by patient Subject X, will give us sufficient data to prove the PSYOPS hypothesis for a full comprehensive immersion to influence the masses.

The clean cut brainiac with a heart of gold and boyish looks with a million dollar smile. He is the the guy that can rally the entire student body in college as student council president, he can cross the into the fraternities and athletes and be liked by all.
He's the face of the startup and the driving force behind the entire operation.

MLS (Major League Soccer) professional football player, heartthrob, dreamer, big thinker, loves to push the boundaries and is driven to a fault at times.
He's Isaac's best friend and would do anything for those he loves.
An educated college former cheerleader with a passion to be of service to her country as an analyst, make the world a better place and have a family. She's the good girl you take home to mom, but don't cross her.
She's a firecracker and will burn you to protect those she loves and the innocent.